An Energy Efficient Thanksgiving

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This time of year we focus is on counting our blessings and naming them one by one. Family, friends and health are likely at the top of the list, but it is easy to take for granted things that we depend on every day. Hopefully electricity is a blessing you are counting this Thanksgiving, because let’s face it,  preparing for the holidays would be a real challenge without it. This year you can do more than just write electricity on one of your turkey hand fingers and work to make this Thanksgiving as energy efficient as possible.

Turn down the thermostat. While cooking the feast, knock the thermostat down a few degrees. With a full house and the oven going, you know it will be hotter than normal. It’s a win-win situation – keep yourself and company more comfortable, while saving energy at the same time.

Stuff the oven. Every family has their secret recipe for stuffing the best turkey. Now, your family has the secret recipe on saving on your electric bill at the same time. Your oven will be running all day, so make the most of it by cooking several dishes at once. A variation of 25 degrees in either direction from the recommended cooking temperature will still produce what you need it to.

Keep cleanup easy. Instead of hand washing, load the dishwasher completely full. With the mountain of dishes waiting in the wing, it will be more efficient to rely on the dishwasher. This gives you more time to fellowship with your visitors too. Don’t rush the leftovers. Don’t be in a hurry to get all your leftover food in the refrigerator. Let them cool on the counter and then put them away, that way your refrigerator doesn’t have to work as hard. The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service recommends putting away food within two hours after being kept warm for best food safety practices.

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